
Medical Studies on Melatonin

The effect of melatonin on depressive symptoms and anxiety in patients after acute coronary syndrome: The MEDACIS randomized clinical trial.

2019-12 Madsen MT, Zahid JA, Hansen CH, Grummedal O, Hansen JR, Isbrand A, Andersen UO, Andersen LJ, Taskiran M, Simonsen E, Gögenur I

Depression following acute coronary syndrome is prevalent and associated with increased mortality and morbidity. Melatonin may function as a primary prophylactic antidepressant substance and alleviate depressive symptoms. The study was undertaken to determine if melatonin administered following an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) could prevent development of depression.

Melatonin is a biomarker of circadian dysregulation and is correlated with major depression and fibromyalgia symptom severity.

2019-01 Caumo W, Hidalgo MP, Souza A, Torres ILS, Antunes LC

This study compared urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) over 24 hours among fibromyalgia (FM), major depression disorder (MDD), and healthy control (HC) groups, and examined whether rhythm is correlated with depressive symptoms. To answer this question we compared the rhythm of urinary aMT6s secretion among each group in four time series: morning (06:00-12:00 hours), afternoon (12:00-18:00 hours), evening (18:00-24:00 hours), and night (24:00-06:00 hours). In the FM subjects, we assessed if the rhythm of urinary aMT6s secretion is associated with pain severity, sleep quality, number of trigger points (NTPs), and the pain pressure threshold (PPT).

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