
Aging, circadian disruption and neurodegeneration: Interesting interplay

The circadian system is an intricate molecular network of coordinating circadian clocks that organize the internal synchrony of the organism in response to the environment. These rhythms are maintained by genetically programmed positive and negative auto-regulated transcriptional and translational feedback loops that sustain 24-hour oscillations in mRNA and protein components of the endogenous circadian clock.

Aging, circadian disruption and neurodegeneration: Interesting interplay Read More »

Circle(s) of Life: The Circadian Clock from Birth to Death

Most lifeforms on earth use endogenous, so-called circadian clocks to adapt to 24-h cycles in environmental demands driven by the planet’s rotation around its axis. Interactions with the environment change over the course of a lifetime, and so does regulation of the circadian clock system. In this review, we summarize how circadian clocks develop in

Circle(s) of Life: The Circadian Clock from Birth to Death Read More »

Melatonin and Prostate Cancer: Anti-tumor Roles and Therapeutic Application

Melatonin is an endogenous indoleamine that has been shown to inhibit tumor growth in laboratory models of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer risk has additionally been associated with exogenous factors that interfere with normal pineal secretory activity, including aging, poor sleep, and artificial light at night. Therefore, we aim to expand on the important epidemiological evidence,

Melatonin and Prostate Cancer: Anti-tumor Roles and Therapeutic Application Read More »

Can Melatonin Be a Potential “Silver Bullet” in Treating COVID-19 Patients?

The therapeutic potential of melatonin as a chronobiotic cytoprotective agent to counteract the consequences of COVID-19 infections has been advocated. Because of its wide-ranging effects as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory compound, melatonin could be unique in impairing the consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Can Melatonin Be a Potential “Silver Bullet” in Treating COVID-19 Patients? Read More »

Melatonin: action as antioxidant and potential applications in human disease and aging.

This review aims at describing the beneficial properties of melatonin related to its antioxidant effects. Oxidative stress, i.e., an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defences, is involved in several pathological conditions such as cardiovascular or neurological disease, and in aging. Therefore, research for antioxidants has developed. However, classical antioxidants often failed to exhibit beneficial effects, especially in metabolic diseases.

Melatonin: action as antioxidant and potential applications in human disease and aging. Read More »

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