
Circadian rhythm and its association with birth and infant outcomes: research protocol of a prospective cohort study.

Circadian rhythm plays an important role as our internal body’s clock that synchronizes behavior and physiology according to the external 24-h light-dark cycle. Past studies have associated disrupted circadian rhythm with higher risk of miscarriages, preterm birth and low birth weights. This paper described the protocol of a prospective cohort study which aims to determine the circadian rhythm in pregnant women, identify its association with maternal factors during pregnancy, gestational weight gain, birth and infant outcomes.

Circadian rhythm and its association with birth and infant outcomes: research protocol of a prospective cohort study. Read More »

Reduced melatonin synthesis in pregnant night workers: Metabolic implications for offspring.

Several novel animal studies have shown that intrauterine metabolic programming can be modified in the event of reduced melatonin synthesis during pregnancy, leading to glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in the offspring. It is therefore postulated that female night workers when pregnant may expose the offspring to unwanted health threats.

Reduced melatonin synthesis in pregnant night workers: Metabolic implications for offspring. Read More »

Melatonin for prevention of placental malperfusion and fetal compromise associated with intrauterine inflammation-induced oxidative stress in a mouse model.

Melatonin has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and mitigate hypercoagulability. We hypothesized that maternally administered melatonin may reduce placental oxidative stress and hypercoagulability associated with exposure to intrauterine inflammation (IUI) and consequently improve fetoplacental blood flow and fetal sequelae.

Melatonin for prevention of placental malperfusion and fetal compromise associated with intrauterine inflammation-induced oxidative stress in a mouse model. Read More »

Pregnancy Induces an Earlier Chronotype in Both Mice and Women.

Daily rhythms generated by endogenous circadian mechanisms and synchronized to the light-dark cycle have been implicated in the timing of birth in a wide variety of species. Although chronodisruption (e.g., shift work or clock gene mutations) is associated with poor reproductive outcomes, little is known about circadian timing during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Induces an Earlier Chronotype in Both Mice and Women. Read More »

Melatonin improves endothelial function in vitro and prolongs pregnancy in women with early-onset preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. There have been no material advances in the treatment of preeclampsia for nearly 50 years. Combining in vitro studies and a clinical trial, we aimed to determine whether melatonin could be a useful adjuvant therapy.

Melatonin improves endothelial function in vitro and prolongs pregnancy in women with early-onset preeclampsia. Read More »

From Implantation to Birth: Insight into Molecular Melatonin Functions.

Melatonin is a lipophilic hormone synthesized and secreted mainly in the pineal gland, acting as a neuroendocrine transducer of photoperiodic information during the night. In addition to this activity, melatonin has shown an antioxidant function and a key role as regulator of physiological processes related to human reproduction.

From Implantation to Birth: Insight into Molecular Melatonin Functions. Read More »

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